Originally approved in 1948, the ASTM A320 specification covers alloy steel and stainless steel bolting materials for low temperature service. This standard covers rolled, forged, or strain hardened bars, bolts, screws, studs, and stud bolts used for pressure vessels, valves, flanges, and fittings. Like the ASTM A193 specification, unless otherwise specified, the 8UN thread series is specified on fastener larger than 1” in diameter.

Below is a basic summary of a few of the common grades within the ASTM A320 specification. A number of other less common grades of ASTM A320 exist, but not covered in the description below.

ASTM A320 Grades

ASTM A320 Mechanical Properties

Grade Diameter Tensile, ksi, min Yield, ksi, min Charpy Impact 20-ft-lbf @ temp Elong, %, min RA, %, min
L7 Up to 21⁄2 125 105 -150° F 16 50
L43 Up to 4 125 105 -150° F 16 50
Class 1: BC, B8C, B8M, B8P, B8F, B8T, B8LN, B8MLN All 75 30 N/A 30 50
Class 1A: B8A, B8CA, B8MA, B8PA, B8FA, B8TA, B8LNA, B8MLNA All 75 30 N/A 30 50
Class 2: B8, B8C, B8P, B8F, B8T Up to 3⁄4 125 100 N/A 12 35
7⁄8 - 1 115 80 N/A 15 35
11⁄8 - 11⁄4 105 65 N/A 20 35
13⁄8 - 11⁄2 100 50 N/A 28 45
Class 2: B8M Up to 3⁄4 110 95 N/A 15 45
7⁄8 - 1 100 80 N/A 20 45
11⁄8 - 11⁄4 95 65 N/A 25 45
13⁄8 - 11⁄2 90 50 N/A 30 45

ASTM A320 Chemical Properties

Element L7 (AISI 4140) L43 (AISI 4340) B8 (AISI 304) B8M (AISI 316)
Carbon 0.38 - 0.48% 0.38 - 0.43% 0.08% max 0.08% max
Manganese 0.75 - 1.00% 0.75 - 1.00% 2.00% max 2.00% max
Phosphorus, max 0.035% 0.035% 0.045% 0.045%
Sulfur, max 0.040% 0.040% 0.030% 0.030%
Silicon 0.15 - 0.35% 0.15 - 0.35% 1.00% max 1.00% max
Chromium 0.80 - 1.10% 0.70 - 0.90% 18.0 - 20.0% 16.0 - 18.0%
Nickel 1.65 - 2.00% 8.0 - 11.0% 10.0 - 14.0%
Molybdenum 0.15 - 0.25% 0.20 - 0.30% 2.00 - 3.00%

ASTM A320 Recommended Hardware

Grade Nuts Washers Grade
L7 A194 Grade 4 or 7 F436 L7
L43 A194 Grade 4 or 7 F436 L43
B8 Class 1 A194 Grade 8 SS304 B8 Class 1
B8M Class 1 A194 Grade 8M SS316 B8M Class 1
B8 Class 2 A194 Grade 8 SS304 B8 Class 2
B8M Class 2 A194 Grade 8M SS316 B8M Class 2