
DIN 315

2020-07-14T17:10:47+00:00Categories: DIN Dimensions|Tags: , , |

All measurements in millimeters (mm) Metric DIN 315 wing nuts / butterfly nuts of the German Type have two rounded wing like projections. This unique design makes it possible to use your thumb and forefinger to turn and tighten the nut rather than a having to use a wrench or

DIN 314

2020-07-14T17:10:23+00:00Categories: DIN Dimensions|Tags: , , |

All measurements in millimeters (mm) Metric DIN 315 wing nuts / butterfly nuts of the German Type have two rounded wing like projections. This unique design makes it possible to use your thumb and forefinger to turn and tighten the nut rather than a having to use a wrench or

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